So a few weeks ago or so I posted a craigslist ad. In the past I have had much success with the good old craigslist, this is not one of those times. Had an interesting email conversation, met no one and got called mean and nasty names. Apparently, some people haven't learned that just because I post an ad doesn't make me a punching bag for all of the women who have hurt you, it also does not mean I will fuck you.
There was a guy who seemed totally interesting at first, until he started talking about us meeting up. I wish I'd kept the emails to get the exact words. I politely declined his idea to meet that day for lunch. I also made it clear he was being a little pushy and that I didn't like the talk of kissing someone who I didn't know and that it set a bad idea of what could happen. He apologized and we went back to email basics.
Until I got his final email which asked me if we got to know each other if he could go down on me. Hmmmmm. While like most women the thought is appealing, it definitely was not appealing with him and I didn't even bother responding. Back in the day my response might have been, "If you hadn't said anything like that you might have gotten whatever you wanted." Being a tease is sometimes fun. Instead I just didn't respond. Always the best bet. To ignore a man who is clearly just trying to get attention or an easy fuck.
I get a text yesterday from someone I don't know. (I have a tendency to take people out of my phone who I haven't talked to in a while.) So I responded with "Who is this?" He responded with "Chris, the pushy one." At first it didn't ring a bell, then I was like UGH! So I ignored it and he then asked what I was doing. I really hate that question, none of your business. So finally I was just like, "Obviously, if I don't know who you are I'm not interested in talking with you. Please take me out of your phone. Thanks. :)"
His response was classic: "Wow. And you are also a total bitch too. Later cheap whore."
I should have responded with "Yo Momma!"
Love it. I promptly texted it to my best friend. I don't quite know where the *and* and *too* come from since he wasn't name calling before. I'm guessing his grasp on the concept of the English language is limited.
I'd rather be a cheap whore bitch than an idiot.
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