What You Can Expect From Moi

I've been bad but now I'm good....kinda.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Picture Tips for Men

A picture is worth a thousand words. We all know this. Through online dating I've had this drilled into my skull, looking at the many pictures of men who are not exactly putting their best foot forward, or face in this case. A picture will make or break you with me...not because of what you look like...it is something more.

Here is my list of common picture faux pas I frequently see:

-You Shirtless: Let me imagine what could be hiding under your tee. Maybe even rock the v-neck to give me a preview like women sometimes give. I really dislike the shirtless picture. It screams "LOW SELF ESTEEM!!" Especially when you are already on a dating site. This is not a turn on in the slightest, I don't need to know what you're workin' with, other than above the shoulders. A physical attraction will happen with your shirt on.

-You in the Mirror of Your Bathroom with Your Camera Phone: Hmmmm. You don't have any pictures of you otherwise? You don't know anyone who could take a picture of you? Why?

-Throwing up Deuces: not the old school hippie peace sign. It is kind of wanna be gangsta, I take myself a lotta too seriously and is especially horrible when you are wearing sunglasses...in the middle of the club. You are not a rapper, producer or anyone important enough to deuce me in your knock offs. Smile and act like life is worth living, not just for acting hard.

-Other Women: This for me is a big no-no. ESPECIALLY if you don't say that it is your sister or cousin or relative. It just gives a bad vibe. I'm interested in you, not what your friends or girlfriends look like. It also isn't cool to post pictures of your children. Quite scary in fact.

-Vehicle: So you drive a monster truck or a BMW. That really isn't you. To post a picture of you in front of your car is strange....unless you are a woman, who is half naked, posing for a magazine (and that is a whole other issue.) It is even worse when it is just your ride. Who cares? This says to me you are materialistic and will judge my car when you see it. Shania comes to mind. It doesn't impress me much.

-Deer heads-Yes. I know it seems like I shouldn't even have to say it. A picture of you holding a buck by the antlers not only makes me want to throw up and move on to the next profile, it also makes me want to express how little I imagine your penis being for feeling the need to show off the fact that you killed an innocent animal with a gun that you are probably not well trained enough to use. This honestly makes me quite sick. Contrary to 500 years ago, I don't need proof that you can support me by providing protection (with your idiot gun) or food (by harming something so innocent) I can just head to the grocery store and pick up a nice meal.

-Beer Bong: Or any bong really. I get it, you are probably younger than I am and drink a bit more than I do but this is a dating site. Why would you post a picture of you even holding a beer bong?

-At the Gym: Why? Okay, you go to the gym, so do I but I really don't need to see what you look like when you are working out.

I will say, with these types of pictures I am able to weed through the duds. Gotta look on the bright side.

On a non-dating related note. Not only is Thanksgiving fast approaching, but so is my birthday!! I will officially be 28. While I am not exactly excited about this getting older thing, since it is Thanksgiving I have a lot to be thankful for. Having a 4 day weekend birthday without having to request any time off is great!

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