I met 4 different guys this past week. (Skank) I could give you the rundown of them all but it really wouldn't matter much. One I know I won't see again. Another I mentioned before and we are in a way too slow game of Words with Friends. The third is the easiest to get along with. Then there is the 4th.
I went into Saturday knowing very little about this guy compared to most when we meet. (This could have been the problem.) He originally asked me to hang out a few weeks ago and then I got sick. Truth be told there wasn't attraction but he seemed like a super nice guy and I really could use some friends, especially since it was his idea to meet that one of the local antique malls. One of my favorite places to go.
I get there, late of course. Will I ever be on time? We are walking around, he tells me what he looks out for there, where he is from and then he finally asks me what I do for work. (Yeah, I know the fact that we didn't know what the other did for work is kind of strange.) He tells me that he's in between jobs. Ugh. Great. Of course. Then he mentions that he is thinking about doing a little work with a friend of his selling cars. I imagine this guy totally being at a buy here, pay here lot just making a few bucks before he gets another big person job. My brother is a car salesman so I mention that, along with which dealership he's at. Ironically, his friend works at the same dealership as my brother. We compare about how each of them is doing. I've been told my brother isn't happy there, which I'm sure I mention and some how I think I say, "It's better than the job working at <insert name of company>, they really screwed him over." Then the large man standing next to me says. "I used to work at <insert name of company>." Haha, funny. Then he asks me my brothers name. At this point, I am feeling a little exposed. I get really strange about those things. Haha. I tell him anyway. Then he asks his last name. I'm really creeped at this point but tell him.
That's when he says it, "Oh yeah <insert name of brother> and I are friends, I go over to his house to play video games." What? Then he starts name dropping. My dad. Apparently, this man has met my entire family, except me. Including my grandma!
When we left I called my mom, right away. She DIED and said that she thought this dude and I should meet before I even moved down here. She is always thinking those are the kinds of men I should date. I don't get it. I made sure to tell her NOT to tell my brother. I wanted him to tell him.
Yesterday my phone rings, it's my brother. You can guess what it's about. Haha. His first words are, "How did your date go yesterday?" Then he gives my favorite laugh that he does when he thinks something is REALLY funny. I was surprised to find out this dude called it a date. I HATE that word. Not a date. Never a date. It makes me uncomfortable.
We got a good laugh out of the situation. It was funny and at least this dude isn't a creep. I've decided it might be time to slow down with the dating a little bit if I am meeting my brothers friends AND pre-screen a lot more. Wow.
What You Can Expect From Moi
I've been bad but now I'm good....kinda.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Funk Lifted?
I've been in this funk for like weeks. Here is a short list of things it could be caused by: weather, lack of social interaction...specifically those who I adore and miss more than anything who live in Ohio and I haven't seen in most cases almost a year and in one a year and a fucking half (!!!!), not having any luck in the man department, the fact that I haven't been eating as well as I would have liked or getting to the gym, having a sinus infection, work not living up to what I want and being rejected by this company I interviewed with.
I've decided to go into all future meetings with men as a just friends situation, no not like the movie but really just friends. To say I haven't found anyone up to my way too high expectations would be an understatement. I need a social life and is that actually going to come from a man? No. When you have a man who do you hang out with? Him. Ummmm. Sometimes just laying in bed, or watching movies. Yeah, it's great but not exactly what I am missing.
I am meeting a guy Saturday afternoon at an antique mall, sooooo excited to go to the antique mall....not as excited about meeting him EXCEPT I think we could be friends. Meeting another guy probably Friday for coffee. He's kind of young and seems to not have the ability to sit still or just hang out. He is SUPER social. This could be good for getting out there.
Last night I had coffee with a guy who I think actually has helped to lift the funk a little. He's interesting, smart and attractive. I could see us being friends. I like that idea. No expectations since I don't think from me he would want anything more. We played Scrabble while drinking Chai and then went to the grocery store. I love the grocery store. My mom made a point of telling me that I was "very well behaved" when we went Sunday but she still caught me doing a little dance in the aisle. Busted. I have a tendency to wander like a child and then get so far from my mom that when something excites me I yell. I think people who see me must think "Aw, that is so nice of her mom to bring her out like that." I think I was good last night except maybe I did bust out in a little dance, hopefully he caught it because that would be awesome! The Scrabble didn't go so well, of course he kicked my ass. Ugh. I was glad my mom and I played a few weeks ago so I at least got a tiny bit of practice. Overall Scrabble and the grocery store renewed my feelings about there being people who I could build a friendship with here. I'm hopeful again.
I've decided to go into all future meetings with men as a just friends situation, no not like the movie but really just friends. To say I haven't found anyone up to my way too high expectations would be an understatement. I need a social life and is that actually going to come from a man? No. When you have a man who do you hang out with? Him. Ummmm. Sometimes just laying in bed, or watching movies. Yeah, it's great but not exactly what I am missing.
I am meeting a guy Saturday afternoon at an antique mall, sooooo excited to go to the antique mall....not as excited about meeting him EXCEPT I think we could be friends. Meeting another guy probably Friday for coffee. He's kind of young and seems to not have the ability to sit still or just hang out. He is SUPER social. This could be good for getting out there.
Last night I had coffee with a guy who I think actually has helped to lift the funk a little. He's interesting, smart and attractive. I could see us being friends. I like that idea. No expectations since I don't think from me he would want anything more. We played Scrabble while drinking Chai and then went to the grocery store. I love the grocery store. My mom made a point of telling me that I was "very well behaved" when we went Sunday but she still caught me doing a little dance in the aisle. Busted. I have a tendency to wander like a child and then get so far from my mom that when something excites me I yell. I think people who see me must think "Aw, that is so nice of her mom to bring her out like that." I think I was good last night except maybe I did bust out in a little dance, hopefully he caught it because that would be awesome! The Scrabble didn't go so well, of course he kicked my ass. Ugh. I was glad my mom and I played a few weeks ago so I at least got a tiny bit of practice. Overall Scrabble and the grocery store renewed my feelings about there being people who I could build a friendship with here. I'm hopeful again.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ummm Wow
So I've been taking a break. From dating mostly. Trying to focus on other things. I've applied for another job *fingers crossed* I've been sick and feel so horrible that I haven't lost much weight because of being sick and miss WAY too much time in the gym. I did make homemade pizza yesterday though.
My OKCupid profile reflects my frustrations. I like confidence and I know a confident enough man will realize that no matter how frustrated or jaded I sound, he might be the one to show me that there is good out there. I only need one.
So I'll share my current "self summary." I'm usually one who is all for the upbeat cutesy/flirty profile but I also get bored easily. So here it is:
It's official, I've become totally bored with what this site has to offer. Every man is in a band, that of course is not doing anything. No I don't want to be your Facebook friend. Too many shallow pools to wade through. I'd be pleasantly surprised to fall down a black hole at this point in terms of personality and what a man has to offer. At least it would have some depth.
My attitude comes from your lack of awesomeness, bring it and I'll gladly show you the real me.
I prefer the surreal to the real, sex with commitment over sex with some random hard body, skuzzy mother fucker and a PhD gets me wayyyyy wetter than a BMW.
Looking for:
-someone passionate, about something other than work...unless work is something wonderfully creative or selfless
-someone open to living somewhere else other than Charlotte.
-nerdy, dorky, quirky, an individual, liberal, silly...
-your vs you're ...please use them properly
My pictures are funny, I confess to rapping Baby Got Back in the 5th grade and how proud I am of my mommy for trying to text. There is more to the profile than just "BITCH."
I get this message today, "well aren't you just a pissy little cunt?" Really? Wow. Hmmmm. Classy. Super classy.
I love my response, "You kiss your mother with that mouth? I didn't message you or ask you to comment on my profile. If you actually read it you'd realize I'm not "pissy," instead more frustrated with a lack of real quality. Ever been a woman? Ever walked a mile in my shoes? Then I suggest keeping your mouth shut. Do you know how many times I've read things on peoples profiles that I was like "Wow how truly ignorant!" Instead of sending a message name calling, I MOVE ON. Something you should have done.
Let me quote your profile. "I have no desire to engage in anything negative." Hmmm, could have fooled me because while you disagree with my opinions (and that's exactly what they are) you have tried to give me a virtual slap on the wrist by calling me one of the most disrespectful things anyone can call a woman. You completely prove my point."
Don't.Fuck.Wit.Me. I could have gone off, I could have acted like a ghetto bitch but I didn't. Why do people feel the need to call me out? Because you are insecure? Because something I said offended you? This is where growing up and having some confidence comes into play. I've decided that who cares what someone says? Who cares if you aren't what I am looking for? Some woman will be impressed by your guitar, just not me. Why bother sending me a message name calling though?
On another note, I found my perfect engagement ring and wedding band. Haha.
My OKCupid profile reflects my frustrations. I like confidence and I know a confident enough man will realize that no matter how frustrated or jaded I sound, he might be the one to show me that there is good out there. I only need one.
So I'll share my current "self summary." I'm usually one who is all for the upbeat cutesy/flirty profile but I also get bored easily. So here it is:
It's official, I've become totally bored with what this site has to offer. Every man is in a band, that of course is not doing anything. No I don't want to be your Facebook friend. Too many shallow pools to wade through. I'd be pleasantly surprised to fall down a black hole at this point in terms of personality and what a man has to offer. At least it would have some depth.
My attitude comes from your lack of awesomeness, bring it and I'll gladly show you the real me.
I prefer the surreal to the real, sex with commitment over sex with some random hard body, skuzzy mother fucker and a PhD gets me wayyyyy wetter than a BMW.
Looking for:
-someone passionate, about something other than work...unless work is something wonderfully creative or selfless
-someone open to living somewhere else other than Charlotte.
-nerdy, dorky, quirky, an individual, liberal, silly...
-your vs you're ...please use them properly
My pictures are funny, I confess to rapping Baby Got Back in the 5th grade and how proud I am of my mommy for trying to text. There is more to the profile than just "BITCH."
I get this message today, "well aren't you just a pissy little cunt?" Really? Wow. Hmmmm. Classy. Super classy.
I love my response, "You kiss your mother with that mouth? I didn't message you or ask you to comment on my profile. If you actually read it you'd realize I'm not "pissy," instead more frustrated with a lack of real quality. Ever been a woman? Ever walked a mile in my shoes? Then I suggest keeping your mouth shut. Do you know how many times I've read things on peoples profiles that I was like "Wow how truly ignorant!" Instead of sending a message name calling, I MOVE ON. Something you should have done.
Let me quote your profile. "I have no desire to engage in anything negative." Hmmm, could have fooled me because while you disagree with my opinions (and that's exactly what they are) you have tried to give me a virtual slap on the wrist by calling me one of the most disrespectful things anyone can call a woman. You completely prove my point."
Don't.Fuck.Wit.Me. I could have gone off, I could have acted like a ghetto bitch but I didn't. Why do people feel the need to call me out? Because you are insecure? Because something I said offended you? This is where growing up and having some confidence comes into play. I've decided that who cares what someone says? Who cares if you aren't what I am looking for? Some woman will be impressed by your guitar, just not me. Why bother sending me a message name calling though?
On another note, I found my perfect engagement ring and wedding band. Haha.
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